
If your WHIRLPOOL s oppllance ever
Helpful hints...You can help your
needs st.rv~ce onywhere in the Uniled
TECH-CARE service representative give
States, bt’:!p is just a phone call away...
you faster service If you Include the
to your r earest Whirlpool franchised
model and serial number of your
TECH-CARE service representative.
appliance when requesting service.
WhirIF ool maintains a nationwide
Also, retain your sales slop and warranty
network of franchised TECH-CARE ser-
to verify your warranty status.
vice companies to fulfill your warranty
and proilde afier-warranty service and
Remember...Your TECH-CARE serv,ce
maintenance to keep your WHIRLPOOL
representative IS specially tralned In the
appllon,:e In peak condition.
expert repairing and servicing of your
You’ll llnd your nearest TECH-CARE
WHIRLPOOL appliances He can help
service c.ompany listed in your local
you maintain the quality originally built
telephorre book Yellow Pages under
Into your WHIRLPOOL appliance So why
not take the lime, now, to look up his
telephone number and jot It down In the
find a listing, dial the Whirlpool
space provided on the cover
COOL-LINE * service assistance toll-
free telephone number:
3. If you have a problem*:
U.S. Dial (800) 253-l 301
Call WhIrlpool Corpcratlon In
Benton Harbor at the COOL-LINE
In Michigan Dial (800) 632-2243
service assistance telephone number
Alaska and
Hawaii Dial (800) 253-l 121
[see Step 2) or write
Mr. Guy Turner, Vice Presldcnt
If you move...io make sure that your
WhIrlpool Ccxporatio:~
Admlnlstratlve Cer>:er
oppl~o~c~ IS correctly Installed and to
2000 U S 33 Nor?tl
Insure Its ccntlnued satlsfacfory
opera;lo’7, please telephone your
Benton Harbor, fvllchlgan 49022
nearest ;ECH-CARE service company
-If you mus? call or write, please
for lnstallaflon or to get the name of a
provide your name. address,
quoliflec Installer. (Installation cost will.
telephone number. type of appliance.
of course-. be pald by you.)
brand, mcdel. serlal number, date of
purchase. the dealer’s name, and a
complete descrlptlon of the problem.
Thts Information IS needed In order to
better respond lo your request for
Pre Wash setting (page 7) begins here.