3. Add more unfrozen food after first load is
frozen [approximately 18 to 24 hours].
4. After all food is frozen, return Cold Control
to the usual setting.
Storing frozen food...
After food is frozen, stack packages any-
where in the freezer. Packages should not
extend beyond the shelf edge or they may
keep the door from closing and sealing
Glide-out basket
- Store heavy and
bulky packages here. Basket should be in
place at all times for proper air circulation.
Door storage
- Store packages on the door
shelves behind the retaining bar.
Juice can shelves -Store
juice cans on
door as shown.
Energy Saving Tips...
Check door gasket and level freezer to
assure a good door seal.
Keep door openings to a minimum.
Remove several items at one time. Keep
contents organized to eliminate
Fill to capacity. Follow recommended
procedures tor freezing foods.
Set Cold Control to provide temperatures
around 0°F (-22°C). There is no need to
store foods below 0°F.
Keep door locked to insure door closure.
Clean condenser coils frequently
Vacations...v -
Arrar ge for someone to make regular ch
of your freezer to make sure it is operating
electric ~tv has not been interruoted.
Shutting off and moving...
If free.!er is shut off for more than 24 hours:
1. Rem )ve and store all food.
2. Unpl Jg freezer.
3. Cleci 1 thoroughly. See “Cleaning Your Freezer,”
page L 5
4. BlocI, door open for air circulation. Turn lock to
locks Jd position with door open. Place blocks
betw-?en door and cabinet and tape in place
with :elf-adhesive filament tape.
If you move the freezer:
Remo .‘e shelves and basket
Do no place objects inside cabinet.
Level ,roperly to insure good door seal.
To re:,tart freezer, see “Using your freezer,”
page 3
If you need service or
assistance, we su
gest you
folbw these fours
1. Belore calling for assistance...
Perfori?ance problems often result from little things
you can rsnd and fix yourself without tools of any kind.
If electncity goes off:
Learn ‘IOW long power will be off by calling the
power c Iompany.
If service is to be interrupted 24 hours or less,
keep f eezer closed. Most tood will stay frozen.