
Using your freezer
Setting the temperature control...
Adjusting the temperature
To start, turn control to the mlddle of the dial This
,iflrrg IS desrgned to morntarn the temperature at
r near 0 F [ 17 8 C] under normal operating
1 Turn control to higher number for colder temper-
L Tur? to lower number for less cold temperatures
‘The Power Saving Control...
.,perates electric heaters These heaters help pre-
.rm’+ nlorsture from formng on the outside of the
‘reezer when humidrty is high
Jse the OFF settrng to save energy wher h~J~n~crh 4s
1s!;1. rhe ON setting oni) If moisture forms on the outs
lae of the freezer
Removing and adjusting the top
freezer shelf...
To remove shelf:
ft front, then back off siipports
Jeolace In reverse order
To adjust shelf:
ljernove shelf
jemove supports by si~d~rg upwards
‘ieblace supports on desired level
Jeplace shelf
Adjusting the freezer shelves...
To remove shelf:
iernove food from shell
Cooling freezer first...
. Allow freezer to cool 6 to 8 hours before filling wrth
frozen food.
I Let it cool overnight before adding large amount
of unfrozen food.
Note: When freezer IS frrst started, the compressor
11 run constantly until the cabrnet IS cooled It may
t! Ike up to 6 to 6 hours or longer, depending on room
tL>mperature and the number of times the freezer
c - ~)or
after the cabinet
cooled, the compressor
t .rn ON and OFF as needed to keep the freezer at
+’ e proper temperature
jllcie shelf straight out to stop
Guide Stop
tt r:s,nt
L. sJue the rest of the wa\i out
To replace shelf:
Shelf Stop
-#t back of shelf on top of guides with $wre Sops or]
:lo’tom of guides
rtt front, then srrde shelf until It clears the yuioe L