Changing the light bulb...
WARNING: Before removing the light shield for
cleaning or for replacing the bulb,
either unplug refrigerator or discon-
nect electricity leading to re-
frigerator at the main power supply.
Shock and injury can occur if elec-
tricity remains connected.
Push in the Center;
Pull Down.
Automatic ice maket..
The automatic Ice maker IS in the freezer section of
your refrigerator. The following things should be known
for proper Ice maker use
The ON OFF lever IS a wire signal arrr
Down for making ice automat~cal’i
Up to shut off the ice maker
Shake the bin occasionally to keep &oes sey;c
rated, and to obtain Increased storage capac~+r
Lower Signal
Raise Signal
Arm to Start It
Arm to Stop Ice Maker
normal for Ice c’escents tc be attached Lr
corner They will break apart easllv
You will hear water ruqnlng w?en ice maker i
working You’ll hear Ice fall into: ti‘e tl ‘I ?\I~I t -.I
Removing the base grille...
Push lightly on the top center of the light shield until
the notched iab unhooks from the control panel
Pull down on the shield until the tab clears the con-
trol panel
LIH the back hooks oui of their slots
Replace with a 40-watt appliance bulb
Replace light shteld in reverse order
these sounds bother you
The ice maker will not operate until the freezer IS
cold enough to make ice This can take overnight
Because of new plumbing connectIons, the first
Ice may be &colored or off-flavored Discard the
first few batches of Ice
If Ice IS not being made fasi enough and more ice
IS needed, turn the Temperature Control toward a
higher number. Wait a day and, If necessary, turn
the Air Control toward A
If you remove the Ice bin, raise the signal arm to
snu+ off the ice maker When you return the bin.
push It all the way in and lower ihe arm to the ON
If cubes are stored too long, they may develop an
off-flavor like stale water Throw them away They
WIII oe replaced Cubes In the Ice bin can also
become smaller by evaporation
Good water quality IS important for good Ice quality
I+ IS not recommended that the Ice maker be con-
nected to a softened water supply. Water softener
chemicals such as salt from a malfunct~onlng soft-
ener can damage the Ice maker mold and lead to
poor quality ice If a softened water supply cannot
be avoided, then It IS important that the water soft-
ener be well maIntaIned and operating properly
To replace:
? Liqe up grille support tabs with metal clips
L Pull grille outwards as shown
? Push, firmly to snap tnto place
3 Do not remove Tech sheet
fas’ened behlno gril c?
3 Close the doors
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