General Information
The machine produces clear hard ice
by circulating water over a freezing
plate. As the water freezes into ice,
minerals in the water are constantly
being rejected and a clear sheet of ice
is formed.
When the desired thickness is reached,
the ice sheets are released and slide
ontc a cutter grid where the sheet is
divided into individual cubes, At the
end of each freezing cycle the water
containing the rejected minerals is
discharged to the drain. Fresh water
then enters the machine for the next
ice making cycle
The push button switch located on the control panel at the
top of the machine has four selections. The “normal on”
position is used when maximum ice production and full bin
capacity is needed. The “timed on” position is used in
conjuction with the “production volume control” timer.
“clean” position is used whenever solutions are
circulated through the water system for scale removal or
sanitizing. At the “clean” position, only the water pump
operates, The “off” position shuts the entire machine off.
Cubes fall into the storage bin. When
the bin is full the ice maker shuts off
automatically and restarts when the
ice supply needs replenishing.
Operation of the machine can be tailored to the user’s
needs in the following manner.
Set the timer to the present time of day within the
proper day or night portion of the control dial.
Set the “time to start” knob (white) to the hour at
which machine operation is to begin. The knob must
be depressed slightly and then rotated around the timer
bezel to the time setting selected.
Set the “time to stop” knob (black) to the hour at
which machine operation is to terminate.
Set the push button service switch to the “timed on”
position. The start time should be selected to allow the
machine to produce enough ice for “start up”
requirements. The “off time” should be selected to
allow the machine to produce enough ice needed for
the entire day.
Operation of the machine will normally require setting the
selector switch to the “normal on” position. With this
setting daily ice usage should be great enough to completely
empty the ice storage bin at least once. If this type of usage
does not occur, the ice left in the storage bin will have a
tendency to cluster or freeze in chunks making ice difficult
to remove from the bin.
The purpose of the timer control is to allow a user to tailor
the daily ice production of the machine to the user’s ice
requirements, This prevents an excess of stored ice with the
resulting ice clustering problem.
Once the timer and switch is set, daily operation is
automatic and need not be adjusted or changed unless ice
requirements change.
With the selector switch in the “normal on” or “timed on”
position the signal light will glow with a low intensity and is
an indication that the electrical power is on.
When the harvest cycle is longer than three minutes the
signal light becomes brighter and begins to blink. This
indicates a malfunction of the harvest cycle.
NOTE: The machine will generally resume normal
operation within a period of twenty (20) minutes after such
a malfunction does occur. If the signal light repeats
indicating a malfunctioning harvest cycle, a qualified
serviceman should check the machine.