Fersonal InJury M
l Becauss this alr condltloner weighs &out
78 to 75 pounds, it Is recom- that
you have somsone help you Install your
lng techniques.
l This appliance must be Installad
according to all appllcabla codes and
l Handle the air condltloner wlth care.
Watch out for the sharp metal flns on ths
front and rear tolls.
l Do not use the collected water for
drlnklng purposes. lt Is not sanitary.
Fallum to follow ths above precautkns
could result In parsonal InJury.
1. Unpack mounting parts before installing
your air condiiioner. Be sure you have all the net-
essary parts (see top two diagrams at left). This air
conditioner will fit most steel casement windows. A
nom-rat installation can be made with a screw-
driver, W socket driver, tape measure and drill.
Description of parts (top two diagrams at left)
1 #lO x 3/e” long s.m. screw
2 #l O-32 x 3/e long math. screw
3 Bottom mounting bracket
4 Knurled knob screw
5 Top mounting bracket
NOTE: Above parts (not shipped loose) installed
on unit by factory.
2. Pick the correct window. First, decide what
room(s) you want to cool. Then choose a window
that will allow the air-conditioned air to flow frwfy
and directly into the room(s) you want cooled.
Remember, its diiicult to move air around comers.
Choose a window that’s alao near an ektrical
outlet. (Refer to “Electrical Flequirlements” on
page 3 for type of mceptacle and wiring needed.)
Do not use an extension cord.
To be able to use the window mounting parts
shown in the diagram to the left of Step 1 aboW,
the window should have a minimum width of 14%”
and a maximum width of 16” (see “A” in bottom
diagram). Ths window shoufd have a minimum
height of 10%” and a maximum height of 11W
(see 9” in bottom diagram).
3. Remove the glass from the frame opening
selected. Clear away any hardened putty.
4. Before slldlng unit through the casement
opening, remove the bottom window bra&t
(Item 3) on both sides of the unit. NOTE: Only the