5. Adjust the piatforrn ueembfy so that the
rear of the air conditioner will be %-inch lower
than the front. This ensures proper water
drainage from the air conditioner.
NOTE: A projection below the base of the air
conditioner will require the rear of the platform
to be %a-inch lower than the front to create the
3/ibinch slat from front to rear.
6. Securely ettach a ridingprotection board
to the side of the house where the platform
assembly hits the house. The siding-protection
board should be long enough to span 2 wall
7. Meaeure the height of the window opening
from the top of the platform assembly.
Subtract 20% inches (the height of the air
conditioner cabinet). Mark this measurement
on the plastic window panel-along the longer
6. Clamp the pleetlc window penel between a
board and a work table and cut along the
cutting line with a fine tooth saw. Remove any
burrs with a file.
9. Lii the panel frame from the side channels of
the air conditioner cabinet. Slide the plastic
window panel into the frame with the smooth
side to the outside. Slide the panel frame
assembly back into the side channels of the
air conditioner cabinet. Make sure the plastic
window panel is firmly enclosed on all sides by
the retainer grooves.
Reu is et beet Reu is et beet
7/t0-in& lower 7/t0-in& lower
Feeten eiding-
d protmtion bored to
the heuee eiding.