12. Slide the air conditioner onto the support
platform assembly. Be sure the air
conditioner side channel butts against the
vertical edge of the window frame. Watch
out for the sharp metal fins on the front and
rear coils.
If air conditioner side channel does
not fit securely, remove air conditioner and
readjust leveling bolt.
Using the existing clearance holes in the air
conditioner bottom flange as guides, drill
two V8” holes through the window channel
frame. Install two self-threading screws
through the clearance holes and into these
holes. Tighten the screws securely. The air
conditioner should be firmly anchored to
the window channel frame-
Be sure your air conditioner
does not fall out during installation.
14. Slide the inside window sash closed. Make
Window flange
channel frame
sure the vertical edge of the inside window
sash is pressed firmly against the side of
the air conditioner cabinet. Cut remaining
adhesive back foam seal equal to the width
of the window opening. Remove the backing
and apply to the top inside edge of the
window frame.
Install the speed clips on the top and
bottom inside edges of the window to
provide locking.
Insert the appropriate plastic foam seal
between the inside window sash and the
outside window.
Place the top retainer on the top edge
of the filler panel. Then place the bottom
edge of the filler panel into the groove of
the bottom retainer which is mounted on the
air conditioner. The filler panel may be
trimmed with a knife or scissors to fit the
window height.
Slide the sliders upward making sure the
filler panel aligns in the sliders.
With the sliders up against the top retainer,
drill $8” hole through the window frame
using the existing clearance hole in the
slider as a guide. Install the self-threading
screw and tighten securely. Repeat for the
other slider.
Speed clip
Foam seal
20. Check all seals and plug all air leaks around
the air conditioner with a suitable
weatherproof sealing compound.