Fig. 2-16
Clutch Tab
Clutch Lining
Brake Shoe
Clutch Housing
Spin Pinion
Spin Pinion
1. After the motor restarts, in the same clockwise direction, the transmission is reset for the spin
mode and the spin pinion begins to turn.
2. A clutch housing is mounted directly to the transmission spin pinion and begins to turn as well.
3. Inside the clutch housing is a clutch lining that is turned by the clutch housing by friction. The clutch
lining is an almost complete circular band that is cushioned with a spring to allow the clutch to slip
as the basket is coming up to speed. This slip prevents high torque loads on the motor and allows
the motor to bring this heavy load up to speed without overloading.
4. The clutch lining is designed to contact the basket drive brake cam which releases the basket
drive brakes during the spin cycle, allowing the basket drive to turn freely.
5. The basket drive is connected to the basket with a drive block and nut. The turning basket drive
causes the basket to begin to spin.
6. As the basket gets up to its full spin speed, the clutch slippage is gradually reduced until the clutch,
basket drive and basket are being driven as if they were one unit.