
Short vacations. . .
No need to shut off +he refrlgero’:x \1x ~111 be
away for less than four weeks Use -p perlsmob’es
freeze other items Turc off
yOJr ce
-3ker shlLlt ofl
the water supply emp’y the ce b r crd -eke sLre
all Ice cubes are dispensed
O’Jt ~7’ ii cl rnechor sr”
Long vacations. . .
Remove all the focC If yoc, are go ‘g for o month
a more At least CI day ahead tbrr off *he tid:oter
supply to the ice maker When t?e OS’ [ooa of Ice
drops, turn off the lc:e maKer
Unplug the refqerator and clear + rir’se dwell
and dry Tape rubber or wocZ blocrs ‘c both doors
keeping them open for enough fsr air to get in
This WIII keep cdcx and mold from bulla,na UD
Moving.. .
Shut off the Ice Taker water supples a day ahead
of time Dlscornect ‘he water lO-,e After ‘he lost sup-
ply of ice drops, ‘urr off the ice maker
Remove all foot! Pack frcrer foods in dry ice
Unplug t?e refr gerator and clean it thoroughly ?e-
move everythIng tlot comes out Wrap all parts well
and tope ti7eT together so*hek dont shift and rattle
Also, remove the water sclpply tank behind ‘he
meat par bv
1 Dlsconnectlrg water cnle+ and outlet tubes at
the top of the tank
2 Remo\Jlrg three mountl?g screws f,on- +he to?k
3 Drolrxng the top’k
Re-install the empty tank,
ana remember +o
check for tight ‘water ccnnect 3ns wher the refriger-
vour ?e’h 8xotior~
WARNING: Tape blocks out of a child’s
Screw in the leve81ing rollers tape the doors shut
reach...do not allow children near
tape the electr c cord to the cabinet When you get
the refrigerator when the doors are
to your new home put everythlig back, and refer to
blocked open. They may become
page 4 Dor t forget +o reconnect the water supply
injured or :rapped.
TO restort refrlgeratclr, see “Using Your