When local codes..
Permit the use of a flexible-type
power supply cord (pigtail) but
Do Nol permrt connecting cabrnet-
grounding conductor to the neutral
wire of the power supply cord:
Ungrounded neutral
Figure 6
Connect seporole. copper
grounding wire (No.-10 minimum)
from external grounding connector
to approved ground.
I, Disconnect Ihe power supply.
2. Remove the power supply cord
equipped with the washer/dryer as
instructed. See Panel F, “To remove
the power supply cord ”
3. Install a three-wire power supply
cord (See “Electrical Requirements”,
Panels A and B) through the 314’.
U.L -lIsted strain relief
4. Connect the neutral wire (white)
of the power supply cord and the
internal grounding wire (green with
yellow stripes) to the center. sliver-
colored, terminal screw of the
terminal block Connect the other
wires to the outer terminals.Tighten
screws firmly (See Figure 6 1 For
@an-end wares, see‘To connect
connection: Panel G.
5 Connect a separate copper
grounding wire (No. IO minimum)
See “To connect a separate
grounding wIrerPanel F for
detolled Instructions.
6. Replace the terminal block cover.
When local codes...
Do Not permit the use of a flexible.
three-wne, power supply cord and
Permit three-wire. copper power
supply cable and
Permit connecting the cabinet-
grounding conductor to the neutral
w!re of the power supply cable:
tnternat grounding
wire (green with
yellow rlrip%r)
center. silver-colored.
,*,mtnat block screw
and neutral white wile
local codes...
Do Not oermit the use of three-wire.
flex!bie.‘power supply cord and
Permit three-wire. copper Power
supply cable but
Do Not permit connecting the
cabinet-grounding conductor to
the neutral wire of the power supply
Cente,. rllver-colored.
terminal block screw
Sepmate and neutral while wtre
Internal groundtng
\ wtre
wtre (green with
yellow stripes)
Grounded neutral
Figure 7
I. Disconnect the power supply
2 Remove the power supply cord
equipped with the washer/dryer as
Instructed. See “To remove the
power supply cord-. Panel F.
3. Install copper power supply cable
(See “Electrical requirements”.
Panels A and 8) through the 3/4’.
U./L.-listed strain relief.
4 Move the internal grounding wire
tareen with vellow stripes) from
i6e center, s&er-colo;ed. terminal
block screw to the external
grounding connector.
5 Connect the neutral wire (white)
of the flexible, armored or
non-metallic sheathed, cooper.
power supply
cable to the center.
silver-colored, terminal screw of the
terminal block. Connect the other
wires to the outer terminalsTighten
the screws firmly See Figure 7. For
plain-end wires, see “To connect
connection.’ Panel G.
6. Replace the terminal block cover.
Ungrounded neutral
Figure 8
Connect saparale, copper
grounding wire (No.-10 minimum)
from external grounding connector
to approved ground.
1, Disconnect the power supply.
2. Remove the power supply cord
equipped with the washer/dryer as
Instructed. See “To remove the
power supply cord”, Panel F.
3 Install copper power supply cable
(See “Electrical requirements”.
Panels A and B) through the 3/4’.
U.L.-listed strain relief.
4 Connect the neutral wire (white)
of the flexible, armored or
non-metallic sheathed. copper.
power supply cable and the internal
grounding wire (green with yellow
strrpes) to the center, silver-colored.
terminal screw of the terminal block.
Connect the other wires to the outer
terminals, Tighten screws firmly. (See
Fiaure 8.1 For olain-end wires. see
“Direct wiring cOnneC~lOn.~
Panel G.
5. Connect a separate. copper.
grounding wire (No.-10 minimum).
See ‘~To connect a separate
grounding wire’ , Panel F. for
detailed Instructions.
6 Replace the terminal block cover.
Direct wiring
1. Disconnect the power supply.
2 Strip the outer covering back 3
inches from the end exposing the
three wires.
Figure 12
3. Srrlp the Insulation back 1 inch
from the end of each wire. Form
the bare wires into a “U”-shaped
4. Loosen. Do Not remove. screws
from terminal block. Attach wires
according to instructions for type of
connection needed
5. Slide the end of each wire under
the screw head with the open side
of the screw hook on the right.
Squeeze the wire together to form a
6 Tighten each screw firmly.
7. Tlghten strain relief screws.
Panel G