When using electr i c gardeni ng appli ances, basic saf ety pr ecauti ons should al ways be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and serious injury . The warnings and
safety instructions in this manual must be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric
shock, or injury , and to provide reasonable safety and efficiency in using this unit. The
operator is responsibl e f or foll owi ng t he warni ngs and instr ucti ons i n thi s m anual and on
the unit . Read t he enti r e instructi on manual bef ore assembli ng and using the unit ! Re-
str ict t he use of this unit to persons who read, understand, and f ol l ow the warnings and
instructions in this manual and on the unit. Never allow children to use this unit. Do not
allow the uni t to b e us ed as a toy. Close at t enti on is necessary whenused nearchildren.
Always disconnect unit fr om power source before servicing, cleani ng, perf or mi ng main-
tenance, or s tor i ng. Non confor mi ng r eplacement components or the r emoval of safety
devices m aycause damage tothe uni tand possibleinjuryto theoperatororbystanders.
Use onl y accessories and replacement par t s as recommended. Use only for jobs ex-
plained i n t hi s manual.
S Always wearsafety glassesor similareye
protection when opera ting, servicing, or
performing maintenance on your unit.
We aring eye protection can h elp to pre-
vent rocks or deb ris from being blown or
ricocheting into eyes and face which can
result in blindness or s erious injury.
S Always w ear a respirator or f ace mask
when wor king with the unit in dusty envi-
S Dress s afely in l ong pants. Do not go
barefoot or wear sh ort pants o r sandals.
S Do not o perate t he unit w hen you are
tired,ill, upset,or ifyouareundertheinflu-
ence of alcohol, drug s, or medicat ion.
S Securehair soitis aboveshoulder len gth.
Keep loose hair , loose clothing, fingers,
and all other parts of the body away from
openings and moving parts. Hair , jewelry,
loose c lothing, or clothing with loosely
hanging straps, ties, tassels, et c., can be
caught in moving parts.
Avoi d a dangerous environment. To re-
duce the r isk of el e ct ri ca l sh ock, do not
use in rain, i n damp or wet locati ons, or
arou nd swimmi ng pools, h ot tu bs, etc . Do
not expose t o snow,rain,orwater t oavoid
the possibility of electrical shock. Do not
use onwetsurfaces.Donothandleext en-
sion cor d plug or unit with wet hands.
Avoi d danger ous sit uat i ons. Do not use i n
the presence of flammable liquids or
gases to avoid creati ng a fi r e or expl osion
and/or c ausing d amage to u nit . Do not
abuse cor d.Nevercarryt heunitbytheex-
tensioncordor yankextensioncordtodis-
connect unit . To un pl ug, grasp the plug,
not t he cor d.Do not use cor d asa handle,
close a door on cord, or pul l cord around
sharp edges or corner s. Turn of f all con-
tr ol s bef or e u nplugging. Do not expose
cords t o heat ,oil ,orwater.Do notuse wi t h
damaged cord or plug. If unit is not work-
ing a s it s hould, has been dropped, dam-
aged, left out door s, ordr opped into wat er,
return it to your authorized service dealer
for repair. Unplug t he unit fr om t he power
source when not i n use, before servi cing,
cleaning, per f or mi ng mai ntenance, or
stor ing. Do not put any object into open-
ings. Do not use with any opening
blo cked ; keep free of dust, li nt, ha ir and
anything t hat m ay reduce ai r fl ow.
S Use o nly a vo ltage supply as shown on
the nameplate o f the unit .
S Avoid dangerous environments. Do not
usein unventilat edareas orwheredustor
explosive vapors can build u p.
S To re duce the risk of electrical shock, this
unit h as a p olarized plug (one blade is
wider than the other) and will require the
use o f a pola rized extension c ord. The
appliance plug will fit into a po larized ex-
tension cord only one way. If the plug
does not fit fully into the extension cord,
reverse the plug. If th e plug still does not
fit, obtain a c orrect polarized extension
cord. A polarized extension cord will re-
quire the use of a polarize d wall outlet.
This plugwill fitinto thepolarized wallout-
let only one way. If plug does not fit fully
into the wall outlet, reverse the plug. If it