-- 8 --
Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alternative in
minimizing t he formation of fuel gum deposits
during storage. Add stabilizer to gasoline i n fuel
tank or fuel storage container . F ollow the mix
instructions found o n stabilizer container. R un
engine at least 5 minutes after adding stabilizer.
S Remove spark plugand pour1 teaspoon of
40:1,2-cycleengine oil(air cooled) through
the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the
starter rope 8 to 10 tim es to distribute oil.
S Replace spark plugwith newone ofrecom-
mended type and heat range.
S Clean air filter.
S Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,
and bolts. Replace any damaged, broken,
or worn parts.
S At the beginning of the next season, u se
only freshfuelhavingtheproper gasolineto
oil ratio.
S Do not store gasoline from one season to
S Replace yourgasolinecanif i tstarts torust.
Engine will not
1. Engine flooded.
2. Fuel tank em pty.
3. Spark plug not firing.
4. Fuel not r eaching
5. Compression low.
1. See “Starting a Flooded Engine”
in Operation section.
2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
3. Ins tall new spark plug.
4. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
5. Contact a n aut horized service dealer.
Engine will not
idle properly .
1. Fuel not r eaching
2. Carburetor requires
3. Crankshaft seals worn.
4. Compression low.
1. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
2. Contact a n aut horized service dealer.
3. Contact a n aut horized service dealer
4. Contact a n aut horized service dealer.
1. Air filter dirty .
2. Fuel not reaching
3. Spark plug fouled.
4. Carburetor requires
5. Carbon build up.
6. Compression low.
Engine will not
lacks power, o r
dies under a
1. Clean or replace air filter.
2. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
Check f or kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
3. Clean or replace spark plug
and re-gap.
4. Contact an a uthorized service dealer.
5. Contact an a uthorized service dealer.
6. Contact an a uthorized service dealer.
Engine smokes
1. Choke partially on.
2. Fuel m ixture incorrect.
3. Air filter dirty .
4. Carburetor requires
1. Adjust choke.
2. Empty fuel tank and refill with
correct fuel mixture.
3. Clean or replace air filter.
4. Contact an aut horized service dealer.
Engine runs hot.
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.
2. Spark plug incorrect.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build up.
1. See “Fueling Engine” in Operation
2. Replace with correct spark plug.
3. Contact an aut horized service dealer.
4. Contact an aut horized service dealer.
WARNING: Always stop unit anddisconnect spark plug before performing a ny of the
recommended remedies below other than remedies that require operation o f the uni t.