Before servicing, always release system
pressure by following Pressure Relief
Procedure (page 7).
Problem A: The sprayer does not start
Cause Solution
1. Sprayer is not plugged in Plug sprayer in
2. ON/OFF switch is set to OFF Turn ON/OFF switch to ON
3. The sprayer shuts off while under pressure Motor will cycle ON and OFF while spraying to regulate pressure. This is normal.
4. No voltage is coming from wall plug Test the power supply voltage
5. The extension cord is damaged or has too low a capacity Replace extension cord
6. There is a problem with sprayer motor Take sprayer to Wagner Authorized Service Center
Problem B: The sprayer starts but does not draw material when the PRIME/SPRAY knob is set to PRIME
Cause Solution
1. The inlet valve is stuck Inlet may be stuck from old material. Push Sureo Valve to release. If still stuck refer to
Clean the Inlet Filter see page 14 or Cleaning the Sureo Valve see page 21
2. The sprayer will not prime properly or has lost prime Refer to Getting Material to Flow section see page 9
3. The suction set is not properly installed Reinstall the suction set see page 6
4. The material container is empty Refer to Load Material and Getting Material to Flow sections see pages 8-9
6. The inlet lter is clogged Refer to Clean the Inlet Filter see page 14
7. The outlet valve is stuck Call Technical Service
8. The inlet valve is worn or damaged Take sprayer to Wagner Authorized Service Center
9. The PRIME/SPRAY valve is plugged Take sprayer to Wagner Authorized Service Center
Problem C: The sprayer draws up material but the pressure drops when the gun is triggered (bad spray pattern)
Cause Solution
1. Pressure too low Increase the pressure
2. The spray tip is worn Replace spray tip with a new one**
3. The inlet lter is clogged Refer to Clean the Inlet Filter see page 14
4. The spray tip is plugged Refer to Clear the Spray Tip see page 12
5. The spray gun lter is clogged Refer Clean the Spray Gun Filter see page 13. Keep extra lters on hand
6. The material is too heavy or coarse Thin or strain the material
7. The Sureo Valve assembly is damaged or worn Replace the Sureo Valve see page 21
Problem D: The PRIME/SPRAY knob is set to SPRAY and there is flow through the material return tube
Cause Solution
1. The PRIME/SPRAY valve is dirty or worn Take sprayer to Wagner Authorized Service Center