ProSpray 3.39 27
Item Part No. Description
1 0290 271 Motor shroud
2 0508 559 Screw (2)
3 0558 497 Belly pan assembly
4 9802 266 Screw (2)
5 0290 228 Door
6 0509 218 Screw (2)
7 0290 253 Grommit
8 0551 778 Transducer assembly
9 0558 710 Filter assembly
10 0507 785 Return tube
11 0290 248 Hose
12 0507 786 Washer (2)
13 9805 311 Screw (2)
14 9802 266 Screw (2)
15 0290 225 Electronic cover
16 9805 317 Screw (2)
17 0290 212 Handle cover, back
18 0290 213 Handle cover, front
19 ------- Drive assembly
20 0509 218 Screw (4)
21 0558 321A Control panel assembly, complete (includes
items 42-49)
22 761-250 Fuse, 12A
23 9804 916 Screw
24 0522 210 Mounting plate
25 0290 280 Face plate / oiler assembly
26 0509 218 Screw (4)
27 9812 310 Hex nut (2)
28 9894 274 Spring (2)
29 0290 259 Retainer
30 9805 362 Bolt (2)
31 805-434 Pail hook
32 9821 503 Washer (2)
33 858-625 Screw (2)
34 9805 348 Screw (4)
Item Part No. Description
35 0290 246 Lever assembly
36 0290 247 Clevis assembly
37 0558 358A Fluid section assembly
38 9850 639 Clip
39 0290 267 Fitting
40 9871 189 O-ring
41 9885 615 Fitting
42 0290 252 Control panel cover with label
43 0507 749 Nut with seal
44 0290 202 Set screw
45 0290 218 Knob
46 9850 936 Switch
47 0508 579 Potentiometer
48 0522 007 LED assembly
49 0290 220 Digital Electronic Spray Control (DESC)
50 0558 493 Power cord jumper
51 0558 755 Bracket cover
52 0509 218 Screw (4)
53 9800 340 Screw (2)
54 0551 980 Lock nut (2)
55 0522 477 EMI lter, 20A
56 9805 240 Screw (3)
57 0558 754 Bracket
58 0551 714 Cord grip (2)
59 9805 400 Screw (2)
60 0558 496 Fan
61 0290 475 Belly pan
62 9805 403 Set screw
63 9810 103 Nut (2)
64 0524 353 Nut
0551 758 Surge protector (not shown, see schematic)
0522 052 Arrestor (not shown, see schematic)
0522 053 Arrestor (not shown, see schematic)
0522022 Display wire assembly (not shown, see