10 Finish 230 AC Compact
5. Spraying
The AirCoat spray system has two dierent painting modes. The
AirCoat mode is used for ne nish work with low to medium
5.1 Spraying in AirCoat mode
Use the AirCoat mode for low-pressure ne nish work
1. Make sure that the airless spray hose is free of kinks and clear
of objects with sharp cutting edges.
2. Turn the pressure control knob counterclockwise to its lowest
3. Turnthecompressorairpressureregulator(b)
counterclockwise to its lowest setting.
4. Move the compressor ON/OFF switch to the ON position.
5. Move the pump ON/OFF switch to the ON position.
6. TurnthePRIME/SPRAYvalvetoSPRAY.
7. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise until the material
8. Turntheairpressureregulator(b)clockwiseuntiltheair
9. Unlock the spray gun gun.
10. Trigger the spray gun to bleed air out of the material hose.
11. When material reaches the spray tip, spray a test area to check
the spray pattern.
12. Adjustthespraypatterntothedesiredsizeandatomization.
• Usethepressurecontrolknobtocontroltheowofpaintto
the gun.
• Usetheairpressureregulatortocontroltheamountof
• Usethepatternadjustmentknobontheguntonetune
the spray pattern.
Refer to the spray gun Owner’s Manual for
information on the operation of the gun.
5.2 Spraying in Airless Mode
1. Make sure that the airless spray hose is free of kinks and clear
of objects with sharp cutting edges.
2. Turnthepressurecontrolknob(d)counterclockwisetoits
lowest setting.
3. TurnthePRIME/SPRAYvalve(e)toSPRAY.
4. Move the pump ON/OFF switch to the ON position.
5. Make sure the compressor ON/OFF switch is in the OFF
6. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise to its highest
through it.
7. Unlock the gun by turning the gun lock nut counter-clockwise
opens the material valve in the gun.
8. Trigger the spray gun to bleed air out of the material hose.
9. When material reaches the spray tip, spray a test area to check
the spray pattern.
10. Use the lowest pressure setting necessary to get a good spray
a. If the pressure is set too high, the spray pattern will be too
b. If the pressure is set too low, tailing will appear or the paint