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This manual is prepared for the use of trained service technicians and should only be used by those
who are properly qualified. This manual is not intended to be all encompassing. You should read, in its
entirety, the repair procedure you wish to perform to determine if you have the necessary tools,
instruments and skills required to perform the procedure. Procedures for which you do not have the
necessary tools, instruments and skills should not be attempted.
Procedures in this manual will apply to all VTEC models unless specified. Pictures and illustrations can
be of any model unless the picture or illustration needs to be model specific.
Generally, installations are made by the dealer or contracted by the dealer or owner. Detailed
installation instructions are included in the Installation and Operation Manual that is sent with each unit.
However, it should be noted that an improperly installed unit, can lead to premature component failures
and poor performance. All VTEC models must be installed with an externally mounted regulator.
Detailed operation instructions are included in the Installation & Operation Manual sent with each unit
and are also available at www.vulcanequipment.com .
Detailed cleaning procedures are included in the Installation & Operation manual sent with each unit.
All places where oil, grease or food can accumulate must be kept clean at all times.
All valves, at the first sign of sticking, should be lubricated by a trained technician using
high temperature grease. Frequency will be largely dependent on customer usage.
All VTEC models are equipped with rotary, piezo spark igniters and 22,000 BTU/HR burners as
standard equipment. One burner is used for every 12 inches of broiling surface. The VTEC does not
utilize pilots; the burners ignite directly from the peizo igniters or manually via an outside ignition
source. Natural gas models are to operate at 4.0" W.C. manifold pressure and LP models at 10.0" W.C.
manifold pressure with all burners on.