ax Careline 08706061248
dirt container and filter
NOTE: Thefilter housingalso needs to bewashed
regularly withcold water anddried thoroughly before
replacing andrestarting the vacuumcleaner.
Remove exhaust filter
Press tabon side of exhaust cover andlift to remove.
Press tabon exhaust filterand lift filter outof base of
cleaner (Fig.5/7).
Clean exhaust filter
Tap the exhaust filter on theinside of a rubbishbin to
remove excessdust and dirtfrom filter.
Wash theexhaust filter under coldrunning water every9
-12 months. Leave to dry for 24hours before replacing
in machine.
Replace exhaust filter
Return exhaust filterto base of cleanerand snap into
Replace exhaust filter cover and snap intoplace to secure.
Replace dirt container
Returndirt container to cleaner. Align slot on bottomof
dirt container with tab on cleaner.Push to snapinto place.
*REGULAR MAINTENANCE: Eachtime the dirtcontainer
is emptied, thefoam filter should bechecked andwhen
necessary, cleaned(Filter willbe discolored after use,this
will not affect the filter’sperformance). Do notbrush the
filter. Thecleaning instructions may varydepending on
the dirt conditions.In some cases,more orless cleaning
of thefilter may berequired.
Vax VZL-6011 User Guide.qxd:VZL-6011 User Guide 17/9/08 11:03 Page 7