ViewSonic VPC100
BIOS Setup Utility
Key Function
Enter Brings up the sub-menu when available
Opens or closes the options window when an
item is selected
Esc Exits the BIOS Setup Utility
Returns to the previous menu if in a sub-menu
Closes the option window if one is open
Home Go to the top of the screen
F1 General help
F2 / F3 Changes the BIOS’ on-screen display color
F7 Discards changes
F8 Loads failsafe defaults
F9 Loads optimal defaults
F10 Saves and exits BIOS
The BIOS Setup Utility is divided into six menu categories: Main, Advanced, Boot,
Security, Chipset, and Exit. Use the left and right arrow keys to move through the
menu selections.
Inside the menu window are the sub-menus. Highlighted items denote that the sub-
menu options can be changed. Use the up and down arrow keys to move through the
A sub-menu with a pointer symbol on the left
indicates that more options can be launched
from this item. To exit a sub-menu, press
General Help
You can access help from any menu. Press [F1] to view the general help window. It
lists the appropriate keys to use to browse and configure BIOS settings.