Getting Started
Learning the Basics
t Refer to the table above to set your time zone if needed. In case that you cannot
nd the place where you are located in this table, try other online resources or
visit Time and Date AS at www.timeanddate.com.
Step 3: Return to the Quick Connection Screen
To return to ViewSonic Quick Connection screen when on local Linux desktop, please double click
ViewSonic Quick Connection on that desktop.
Local Linux Desktop
Time Zone Location
GMT+3 Baghdad, Kuwait
GMT-4 Atlantic Time (Canada)
GMT+4 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd
GMT-5 Eastern Time (US & Canada)
(no DST)
Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
GMT+5 Islamabad, Karachi
GMT-6 Central Time (US & Canada)
GMT+6 Astana, Dhaka
GMT-7 Mountain Time (US & Canada)
GMT+7 Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
Time Zone Location
Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur,
Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei
GMT-9 Alaska
GMT+9 Seoul, Tokyo
GMT-10 Hawaii
GMT+10 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
GMT-11 American Samoa, Midway Is.
GMT+11 Solomon Is., New Caledonia, Vladivostok
GMT+12 Auckland, Wellington
GMT+13 Nuku’alofa, Samoa
ViewSonic Quick Connection