ViewSonic ND4210w 13
The Browser Configuration screen allows you to make specific screen settings for a specific
URL that you chose. Click Management > Browser. The screen shown below appears. Note: 1
millisecond = 1/1000th second.
1. In the Macromedia Flash Transparency Source field, select one of the options from the
pull-down menu.
2. In the Screen rotation angle (clockwise) field, select one from the pull-down menu for the
angle of rotation of the HTML content displayed on-screen. This feature is useful when the
ND4210w is installed vertically.
3. In the Browser Proxy field, select Enabled or Disabled from the pull-down menu.
4. In the Browser Proxy IP field, type an IP address if the Browser Proxy was Enabled.
5. In the Browser Proxy PORT field, type the port if the Browser Proxy was Enabled.
6. In the Default transparency between OSD and video layer field, type a number that is
between 0 to 255: (128 is average where video and graphics blend together). Also, see
examples in the Transparency section of this guide.
• 0 = video only, no graphics
• 255 = graphics only, no video
Continued . . .
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