
114 Menu Functions
Purchasing Books
Tap the Store tab to open the Kindle bookstore. Enter search criteria into the
search field on the upper part of the page to find a particular book, or tap a
category and sub-category to browse entries.
On any open entry, tap Buy Now with 1-Click to purchase a selection. Tap
Try a Sample to download part of the book.
Some publications, such as magazines or newspapers, offer subscriptions.
Two options usually appear for these, either Subscribe Now with 1-Click
or Buy Now with 1-Click. Buy Now purchases one edition, while Subscribe
Now delivers new editions to the Kindle account on a regular basis, and
charges a bulk price, which is generally lower per issue than buying a single
issue, but requires advance payment.
Accounts must have credit card information already associated with them to
finalize purchases. If no credit card information is present, users must enter
it when requested. This information can be kept for future reference and
associated with the account.
Free Books
Go to the Store page. Tap the Free Popular Classics category to see a wide
selection of free ebooks. These do not require an account associated with a
credit card.
Reading Books
To read a book, tap a book on either the Home tab or the On Device tab.
While reading, use available actions described in the following sub-sections.
Navigating through Pages
Flick the screen left or right to turn pages. Touching the screen displays the
progress slider. Drag the slider to the left or right to jump to other pages.
To jump to a specific page, tap D > Go To and choose one of the following