
Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K - User's manual 17
The modem will respond to this command by displaying a list of
the configuration settings.
To modify them, please refer to Appendix A.
Resetting the Modem to Factory Settings
Some transmission sessions can modify the modem's
configurations. If you are unsure of the current configuration of
the modem or if it seems to be not working correctly, you might
want to reset it to the factory settings.
To do this:
1. Run the communications program.
2. Go into the program's terminal mode.
3. Type:
This re-initialization includes resetting the hardware flow control,
a fixed speed on the communication port and complete result
If you want to set software flow control on (XON/XOFF), type
the following command instead:
On the other hand, some communications programs let you
choose the modem in a menu list. If you can't find your modem
there, you can enter these initialization strings above in the
settings screen of the application.