user manual
TA-890 user manual
Page 44
End firing array
Under today’s market conditions it is often necessary to abide by strict environmental
considerations. This is particularly pertinent at open air festival sites where there are multiple
stages and external noise limits.
Aspect TA-890H mid/high boxes are uniquely positioned in a line array dominated
marketplace to deal with this problem by allowing the user to tailor the horizontal and
vertical dispersion to the desired coverage area.
It is also possible to do this with the low end by creating a cardioid subwoofer array.
The above example shows the performance of a cardioid subwoofer array.
The main bass stack is firing forward. A second bass stack is placed behind the first by ¼ of a
wavelength @ 100Hz, out of phase and delayed by 2.5ms.
This creates a cardioid pattern dispersion pattern and will result in very steep reduction of LF
behind the stack – this is ideal where a very controlled environment is required.
It is worth noting that this requires additional processing and will result in a lower output
than using the enclosures in a more conventional manner.