1. Manual exercise in which you adjust both speed and
elevation yourself during the exercise.
2. Heart rate controlled HRC exercise in which the
treadmill adjusts the speed / elevation automatically,
so that your heart rate stays at the level set. You always
need to wear a heart rate belt while doing HRC
3. Fitness test feature with two test options: a 2-
kilometre walking test and a 12-minute Cooper run test.
4. Preset exercise profile in which speed/elevation or
heart rate level vary according to the preset program.
Quick Start:
1. Manual exercise is the treadmill default setting. You
can start the exercise directly by pressing the START
key. The belt starts moving at 1,5 km/h / 1,0 mph. Use
the RABBIT/TURTLE keys to adjust the speed and the
elevation control keys to adjust the elevation.
Starting with the program selection:
2. Press SELECT until the signal light shows next to the
Manual text. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
3. Press START. The belt starts moving at 1,5 km/h
/ 1,0 mph. Use the RABBIT/TURTLE keys or the
SPEED key to adjust the speed and the elevation
control keys to adjust the elevation.
4.The profile display collects the exercise details at one
minute intervals. After 20 minutes, the display will
shift to the left to show the speed details from the last
20 minutes. Pressing SELECT during the exercise will
display speed, elevation, heart rate and running track
profiles for the exercise.
5. Press STOP and the treadmill stops and moves
into waiting state for 5 minutes. You can restart the
interrupted exercise by pressing the START key within
5 minutes. Press the STOP key twice to end exercising
and display feedback on your workout. The meter then
switches to its initial state.
Heart rate controlled exercises enable training at a
selected heart rate level. Heart rate controlled exercises
always require the use of a heart rate belt. If heart rate
measurement is not working correctly, the error message
CHECK TRANSMITTER will be displayed. You
should then make sure that you have properly followed
the instructions on the use of the heart rate belt.
1. Press SELECT until the signal light shows the HRC
text. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
2. Select the HRC mode with the arrow keys:
A) Speed = heart rate control is based on changing belt
speed. If you wish, you can change the inclination angle
of the belt during training.
B) Elevation = heart rate control is based on changing
treadmill inclination. In this mode you have to adjust
the speed by yourself using the TURTLE and RABBIT
keys or the SPEED key.
C) Combination = automatic equal adjustment of both
the inclination angle and the speed of the belt.
3. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
4. Set the desired heart rate (80-180) with the arrow
keys. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
5. Press START to start constant heart-rate exercise. You
can adjust the heart rate level with the arrow keys during
the exercise.
6. The profile display collects the exercise details at one
minute intervals. After 20 minutes, the display will
shift to the left to show the speed details from the last
20 minutes. Pressing SELECT during the exercise will
display speed, elevation, heart rate and running track
profiles for the exercise.
6. Press STOP and the treadmill stops and moves
into waiting state for 5 minutes. You can restart the
interrupted exercise by pressing the START key within
5 minutes. Press the STOP key twice to end exercising
and display feedback on your workout. The meter then
switches to its initial state.
The treadmill features two different fitness tests. The
fast-paced 2 km walking test requires a lower level of
effort, while the 12-minute Cooper run test is better
suited to those who are fit.
1. Press SELECT until the signal light shows next to the
text TEST. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
2. Press SELECT to choose between the 2 km walking
test and the Cooper test. Press ENTER to confirm your
AGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18-19 <33 33-38 39-44 45-51 52-57 58-63 >63
20-24 <32 32-37 38-43 44-50 51-56 57-62 >62
25-29 <31 31-35 36-42 43-48 49-53 54-59 >59
30-34 <29 29-34 35-40 41-45 46-51 52-56 >56
35-39 <28 28-32 33-38 39-43 44-48 49-54 >54
40-44 <26 26-31 32-35 36-41 42-46 47-51 >51
45-49 <25 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-43 44-48 >48
50-54 <24 24-27 28-32 33-36 37-41 42-46 >46
55-59 <22 22-26 27-30 31-34 35-39 40-43 >43
60-65 <21 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 >40
AGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18-19 <28 28-32 33-37 38-42 43-47 48-52 >52
20-24 <27 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46 47-51 >51
25-29 <26 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-44 45-49 >49
30-34 <25 25-29 30-33 34-37 38-42 43-46 >46
35-39 <24 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-40 41-44 >44
40-44 <22 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 >41
45-49 <21 21-23 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-38 >38
50-54 <19 19-22 23-25 26-29 30-32 33-36 >36
55-59 <18 18-20 21-23 24-27 28-30 31-33 >33
60-65 <16 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 >30
t90.indd 7 20.10.2004, 14:20:59