14 ::
:: 15
The table you can see here shows typical 2 km Walking Test results for a
range of users of different ages (ml/min/kg).
Women 1 2 3 4 5
Fitness Very poor Poor Average Good Very good
25-29 28 or less 29-34 35-39 40-47 48 or more
30-34 27 “ 28-33 34-38 39-45 46 “
35-39 26 “ 27-32 33-37 38-43 44 “
40-44 25 “ 26-31 32-36 37-42 43 “
45-49 25 “ 26-30 31-35 36-41 42 “
50-54 24 “ 25-29 30-34 35-40 41 “
55-59 23 “ 24-27 28-32 33-39 40 “
60 > 22 “ 23-26 27-31 32-38 39 “
Men 1 2 3 4 5
Fitness Very poor Poor Average Good Very good
25-29 33 or less 34-41 42-48 49-56 57 or more
30-34 31 “ 32-39 40-46 47-54 55 “
35-39 30 “ 31-37 38-45 46-52 53 “
40-44 28 “ 29-35 36-43 44-50 51 “
45-49 27 “ 28-34 35-42 43-48 49 “
50-54 26 “ 27-32 33-40 41-47 48 “
55-59 25 “ 26-31 32-39 40-46 47 “
60 > 23 “ 24-29 30-36 37-42 43 “
Doing the Fitness Test
NOTE! Gamma 300 uses the following formulae for calculating the
maximum heart-rate level: women 226 - age, men 220 - age. If you know
your maximum heart-rate, enter it before you start the fi tness test: this
will enhance the accuracy of the results.
1. Press function key Coach.
2. Press operation key Test.
3. Gamma 300 displays text pages of information about the Fitness
Test to help you take it.
:: Press operation key OK to page through the text screens.
:: You can always return to the Coach function mai display by
pressing operation key Cancel.
4. Press operation key Start.
:: The test begins with a warm-up period whose duration is user
determined. Running deck elevation is set at 1 % for the warm-up
and in the walking test itself. Adjust speed with the Hare and
Tortoise keys.
:: When you are ready to start the Test itself, press operation key
Ready and it begins immediately. The test distance is 2 km.
Walk as fast as you can, but don’t run! Gamma 300 measures
your fi tness level based on your heart-rate. Tunturi recommends
you continue walking slowly for a few minutes after the test, so
that your heart-rate returns smoothly to normal.
5. When the test ends, the top operation key becomes active. Press
this Results key and Gamma 300 gives the following
information with regard to your fi tness:
:: the measured heart-rate level at the end of the test
:: the maximal oxygen intake capacity (VO2 max.) and the
corresponding aerobic fi tness index value
:: fi tness evaluation on scale 1-5 (5 = best)