Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug. J
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units soequipped. J
Failure to follow these instructionscan result in serious personal injury or propertydamage.
Whenthe WheelGearLeveris in DISEN-
GAGE,the wheels will roll freely (free-
wheel). Thewheels should not roll freely
whenthe lever is in ENGAGE.If the
wheels roll freely whenthe WheelGear
Leveris in ENGAGE,the wheel gearcable
needsto be adjustedas described below.
1. With the engine shut off and the spark
plug wire disconnected,put the Wheel
GearLeverin ENGAGE.
2. Loosenthe top adjustment nut (A,
Figure5-4) on the wheelgear cable
bracketthat is located on the left side rear
of the transmission.
3. Pushthe wheelgear cable(B) down
and roll thetiller slightly forward or back-
ward until the eccentric lever (C)engages
(locks) the wheels. Holdthe cable in that
position and tighten the top (A)and
bottom (D) adjustment nuts.
4. Move theWheelGear Leverto
ENGAGEand DISENGAGEseveraltimes
to checkthe adjustment. Thewheels
should not roll when the lever is in
ENGAGE,butthey should roll whenthe
leveris in DISENGAGE.Readjustthe
cableas required.
Figure5-4: Wheelgearcableassembly.
Whenthe tiller won't be usedfor
extendedperiods, prepare it for storage
1. Cleanthe tiller and engine.
2. Doroutine tiller lubrication and check
for loose parts and hardware.
3. Protectthe engineand perform recom-
mendedengine maintenancebyfollowing
the engine storage instructions found in
the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
NOTE:Besure to protect the fuel lines,
carburetor and fuel tank from gum
deposits byremoving fuel or bytreating
fuel with a fuel stabilizer(follow engine
manufacturer's recommendations).
4. On electric start units, follow "Battery
Storage" instructions in this Section.
5. Store unit in a clean, dry area.
6. Neverstore the tiller with fuel in the
fuel tank in an enclosed areawheregas
fumes could reachan openflame or
spark,or where ignition sourcesare
present (spaceheaters,hot water heaters,
furnaces, etc.).
Thetines will wear with useandshould
be inspectedat the beginning of each
tilling seasonand after every 30 operating
hours. Tines can be replacedindividually
or as a completeset. Neverinspect or
servicethe tines unless the engineis
stopped,the spark plug wire is discon-
nected,and the ignition keyis removed
on electric start models.
A. TineInspection:
With use, the tines will becomeshorter,
narrowerand pointed (Figure5-5). Badly
worn tines will result in a loss of tilling
depthand reducedeffectivenesswhen
chopping up and turning under organic
matter. UseFigure5-5 as a guide to
when the tines should be replaced.
Figure5-5: Checkingtinesforwear.
B. Removinga SingleTine:
1. Removethe two screws and nuts that
attacha singletine to the tine holder
(Figure 5-6). If needed,use penetrating
oil to helpfree the nuts.
2. Wheninstalling a single tine, be sure
to position it sothat its cutting edgewill
enterthe soil first as the tiller moves
C. Removinga Tine Assembly:
1. If removing both tine assemblies,mark
them "left" and "right" before removal.
Doing so will help ensurethat the assem-
blies are reinstalled on the correct sides
of the tiller.
2. Removethe screwand Iocknut that
secure thetine assembly to the tine shaft
(Photo 5-7). Pull thetine assembly off
the shaft (if necessary,usea rubber
mallet to tap the tine assembly outward).
3. Beforereinstalling thetine assembly,
inspect thetine shaftfor rust, rough
spots or burrs and file or sandas needed.
Apply a thin coat of greaseto the shaft.
4. Installeachtine assembly sothat the
cutting edge of the tines will enter the
soil first whenthe tiller moves forward.
Securethetine assembly to the tine shaft
using the screw and Iocknut previously
removed. Tighten securely.