Before operating your
machine, carefully read and
understand all safety, controls
and operating instructions in
this Manual, the separate
Engine Owner's Manual, and
on the decals onthe machine.
Failure to follow these
instructions can result in
serious personal injury.
Forward ReverseClutch
ClutchBail Control
Drive Pin
(on eachwheel)
Figure 3-1: Featuresand controls.
This section describesthe locations and
functions of the controls on your tiller.
Referto the nextsection ("Operation")
for detailed operating instructions.
Practice usingthese controls, with the
engine shut off, until you understandthe
operation of the controls and feel
confident with each of them.
IMPORTANT:Referto the separate
engine manufacturer's EngineOwner's
Manual for informationabout the
controls on the engine.
Never allow either of the
wheels to be in the
FREEWHEEL position when
the engine is running. Always
put both wheels in the WHEEL
DRIVE position before starting
the engine.
Failure to comply could cause
loss of tiller control, property
damage, or personal injury.
through the holes in the wheelshaft (not
the wheel hubs), thus allowing the wheels
to turn freely whenthe tiller is pushedor
pulled by hand.
To Placethe Wheels in WHEELDRIVEor
1. Stop the engine, disconnect the spark
plug wire from the spark plug and allow
the engineto cool.
2. Raiseone wheel off the ground and
place a sturdy support underthe
3. Removethe wheel drive pin (A,
Eachwheel is equippedwith a Wheel
Drive Pin (A, Figures3-2 and 3-3) that
secures thewheel to the wheel shaft (B).
The wheels can be positioned in either a
Before starting the engine, put both
wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition by
inserting the Wheel Drive Pins through
the wheel hubs andthe wheel shaft. This
"locks" the wheels to the wheelshaft,
causing thewheels to turn when either
the ForwardClutch Bail or the Reverse
Clutch Control isengaged.
Usethe FREEWHEELmode only whenthe
engine is not running. In FREEWHEEL,
the Wheel Drive Pinsare placedonly
Do not place the tiller on its
side when changing the wheel
drive positions as doing so
could result in gasoline
leaking from the fuel tank.
Failure to follow this instruc-
tion could result in personal
injury or property damage.
Figures3-2 and 3-3) by removingthe
hairpin cotter (C).