TVP-221H User’s Guide
1.3 Package Contents
The contents of your product should contain the following items:
• TVP-221H VoIP Gateway 4 port desk top version
• 100-240V Power Adapter
• 9-pin straight through RS-232 cable
• Printed Quick Installation Guide
• User’s guide (CD)
• RJ45 Cable
1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the TVP-221H contains a push button and LED indicators. The
following figure illustrates the front panel of the TVP-221H.
4-port TVP-221H Front Panel
LED Indicators
When the TVP-221H powers on, it switches the state of COL, LNK, 100 and ACT
LED indicators in red color per 200 ms in a manner shown in the following table
ACT 100 LNK COL Boot loader State
solid on solid on solid on Execution start
blink off off solid on Memory test
blink blink off solid on Loading application code
blink blink blink solid on Loading TFTP loader code
blink blink blink blink Failed loading application code and TFTP
off off blink off Memory test fail
The LED indicators on the front panel display the current status of the TVP-221H as
described in the following table: