Location Identifier
Unit Identification
The unit identification tag is factory
mounted and provided for easy
identification of an installed unit. It
contains model number, tagging,
and location information.
The top portion of the unit identifi-
cation tag remains permanently af-
fixed to the unit for identification
purposes. The bottom portion of
the tag provides pertinent informa-
tion that is removable to be placed
on building plans or in “Appen-
dix—Location Identifier” on
page68. This provides identifica-
tion history about the unit’s loca-
tion for quick reference.
These tags provide information
q unit serial number;
q NID (neuron identification
number)—The NID is similar to
the serial number of the unit
but is specific to the
identification of the Tracer
ZN.520 unit controller circuit
board; and
q unit location—The location
identification is a customer
defined, clear English
description, of the unit’s
physical location. This is a 27
character description, including
spaces, of the location. For
example, if the location
identification for a unit is
“Conference Room 101”, the
ZN.520, Rover (the Trane
Comm 5 service tool), and
Tracer Summit, will recognize
this clear English description.
If location identification is not de-
fined, it will default to the unit seri-
al number. This unit identification
tag provides some information so
the user has multiple references to
the unit. The blank location is pro-
vided for field modification in case
the unit is moved from the initial
Figure 16: Unit identification tag
Winking a device causes the green
status LED on the device selected
to blink at a rate of twice per sec-
ond for approximately 10 seconds.
This feature is useful when a dis-
crepancy in device location exists.
As part of the troubleshooting pro-
cess, one person can WINK the de-
vice while another can observe the
blinking and verify the device’s
physical location.
Important! If the status LED on
the ZN.520 does not blink, the
device may not be
communicating or it may not
be the device you selected
according to the stored
A Tracer ZN.520 unit controller
may be set to wink by
q holding the ON button on the
zone sensor for 5 seconds
q using Rover, Trane’s
communication service tool
Note: Fold and tear carefully along dashed removable line.