Software Upgrades
Your thermostat is built with the future in mind and has the ability to upgrade its operating sys-
tem. Software upgrades ensure your thermostat has the most up-to-date software optimizing
its operation and providing exciting new features as they become available.
The Software Upgrades menu is accessed by navigating to Menu --> Settings --> Network.
After pressing the “Software Upgrades” button, follow the guided instructions on the series of
Upgrade the software by one of the following methods:
1) Select the “Check for updates on the internet” box as shown in the screen at right. This is the
default setting and the easiest way to upgrade your thermostat’s software.
2) Alternatively, using a web browser and your computer, download the latest sofware upgrade
image from the trane.com website and place this computer file on an SD card. After transfer-
ring the SD card from your computer to the thermostat, select “Check for upgrades on SD
Card” as shown in the screen at right.
Follow the instructions to upgrade your thermostat. Additional instructions are found on the
trane.com website.
• Youmusthaveacurrentlyactiveinternetconnection.
• Youmustalreadyhaveregisteredyourthermostat(seeprevioussection).
• YoumusthaveanSDcardwithadequatememoryavailable.Dataforthe
upgrade will be stored on this card.