Part No. X39640516-01
Since the Trane Company has a policy of continuous product improvement, it reserves the right to change
specifications and designs without notice. The installation and servicing equipment referred to into this book-
let should be done by qualified experienced technicians.
Installation CLCH-IM-16A
Library Service Literature
Product Section Air Handling
Product Central Station Air Handlers
Model T-Series Climate Changer
Literature Type Installation/Maintenance
Sequence 2
Date March 1999
File No. CLCH-IM-16A 3/99
T-Series Climate
Station Air Handlers
Draw-Thru and Blow-Thru Unit Sizes 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 25, 30,
35, 40, 50, 66, 80, and 100