WC-IOM-7 • Packaged Heat Pump 35
Test Modes
There are three methods in which the “Test” mode can be cycled at LTB-Test 1
and LTB-Test 2.
1. Step Test Mode - This method initiates the different components of the unit,
one at a time, by temporarily shorting across the two test terminals for two to
three seconds.
For the initial start-up of the unit, this method allows the technician to cycle a
component “On” and have up to one hour to complete the check.
2. Resistance Test Mode - This method can be used for start-up providing a
decade box for variable resistance outputs is available. This method initiates
the different components of the unit, one at a time, when a specific resistance
value is placed across the two test terminals. The unit will remain in the
specific test mode for approximately one hour even though the resistance is
left on the test terminals.
3. Auto Test Mode - This method is not recommended for start-up due to the
short timing between individual component steps. This method initiates the
different components of the unit, one at a time, when a jumper is installed
across the test terminals. The unit will start the first test step and change to
the next step every 30 seconds. At the end of the test mode, control of the
unit will automatically revert to the applied "System" control method.
For unit test steps, test modes, and step resistance values to cycle the various
components, refer to Table 5.
Table 5. Service test guide for component operation
(Note 2) Comp 1 Comp 2 Heat 1 Heat 2 Ohms
1 Fan On Minimum
Position Off
Setpoint 0%
Off Off Off 2.2K
On Selectable Off Off Off Off
Test Open
On Open Off Off Off Off 3.3K
3 Cool Stage 1 On Minimum
(Note 1)
Off Off Off 4.7K
4 (Note 3) Cool Stage 2 On Minimum
(Note 1)
(Note 1)
Off Off 6.8K
5 (Note 3) Reheat On Minimum On On Off Off 33K
6 (Note 3) Heat Stage 1 On Minimum Off Off On Off 10K
7 (Note 3) Heat Stage 2 On Minimum Off Off On On 15K
1 - The condenser fans will operate any time a compressor is "On" providing the outdoor air temperatures are within the operating values.
2 - The exhaust fan will turn on anytime the economizer damper position is equal to or greater than the exhaust fan setpoint.
3 - Steps for optional accessories and non-applicable modes in unit will be skipped.