Application Restrictions
· Rover can be used to logically install and bind variables to and from an MP580 and TR1. TGP doesn’t allow for
an analog connection to nvoSNVT_switch. The MP580 requires a SNVT_Switch to be bound to both
nviDrvSpeedStPt for VFD enable and nviRefPcnt for speed control.
· Tracer Summit doesn’t allow for BOs to be mapped to SNVT_state (nviControlWord) and therefore Start/Stop
and Frequency Reference needs to be provided by another method, described previously.
· Due to timing constraints, it is not recommended to provide the frequency referencer using the GLD object.
Special Programming required
· CPL is required for alarm annunciation. NvoWarning and nvoAlarm words could be monitored using CPL routines.
· Check for offline status of each device. (Do this by monitoring the GLD Objects communication status from
each drive and checking for CPL error condition, i.e., "????" will be returned if the VFD is not communicating.)
Installation Tasks
Integration from Tracer Summit to Trane TR1 devices requires the following components:
· A PC running Tracer Summit software with an Ethernet LAN adapter installed.
· A Tracer Summit Building Control Unit (BCU) with an Ethernet LAN adapter installed.
· A Comm 5 card installed into the BCU.
· Rover service software.
Programming Trane provided GLD
Follow the procedure outlined within Tracer Summit Connections to LonTalk Devices BAS-PRB003-EN.
Programming vendor provided hardware
The Trane representative will need verify the all TR1s on the link have the appropriate parameters set to allow for LON
communications. It is also recommended that Rover Service Tool utility be used to verify the TR1s are properly
communicating upon the LON link prior to adding to the BCU. The basic parameters that need to be set to allow for
LON communications include:
Parameter 500, Protocol = FC protocol
Modify these parameters by pushing the extended [Extend Menu] button and then use the [+] and [-] buttons to display
the 500 series “Serial Comm” parameters. Use the [+] button to advance the parameters and [Change Data] and
[OK] to make changes.
During programming of parameters, motor may start wothout warning. Be certain
that no one is in area of motor or driven equipment when changing parameters.
The following parameters are most typically set as described when using the TR1 LON interface option: