Summary of BACnet Objects
The Building Automation and Control Network (BACnet and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004)
protocol is a standard that allows building automation systems or components from different
manufacturers to share information and control functions. BACnet provides building owners the
capability to connect various types of building control systems or subsystems together for many
uses. In addition, multiple vendors can use this protocol to share information for monitoring and
supervisory control between systems and devices in a multi-vendor interconnected system.
The BACnet protocol identifies standard objects (data points) called BACnet objects. Each object
has a defined list of properties that provide information about that object. BACnet also defines a
number of standard application services that areused to access data and manipulate these objects
and provides a client/server communication between devices.
Supported BACnet Services
The BACnet communicating thermostat meets all requirements for designation as an Application
Specific Controller (B-ASC). The BACnet thermostat series supports the following BACnet
Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs).
• The thermostat does not support seqmented requests or responses.
• Models X13511541010 and -2010—Time synchronization can be made through a network even
if the thermostat does not support the full date. Therefore, the device cannot claim
conformance to the DeviceManagement – TimeSynchronization - B (DM-TS-B) service. The
device object does not have the Local_Time or Local_Date properties.
Default Device Name and Default Device ID
The Default Device Name is set to: TStat_EquipType_Trane_MAC where: EquipType is FanCoil,
RTU, or HeatPump and MAC is the current MAC address of the device.
• The Device Name is changed if you change the device MAC address.
• The Device Name and Device ID properties are writable in the Device object. Both properties
can be changed from any BACnet network management tool as long as the tool itself can write
to these properties.
(X13511543010) Fan Coil Models
• Default Device ID is set to: 7300MAC where MAC is the current MAC address of the device that
you set from the Installer Configuration Parameter menu on the Trane Communicating
• The Device ID changes if the device’s MAC address is changed. For example, when a fan coil
communicating thermostat with a MAC address of 41 is connected to a network, its default
Device Name will be TStat_FanCoil_Trane_41 and its default Device ID will be 730041.
Table 1. BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks
Application Service Designation
Data Sharing – Read Property - B DS-RP-B
Data Sharing – Read Property Multiple - B DS-RPM-B
Data Sharing – Write Property - B DS-WP-B
Device Management - Device Communication Control - B DM-DCC-B
Device Management – Dynamic Device Binding - B DM-DDB-B
Device Management – Dynamic Object Binding - B DM-DOB-B