Variable Speed Fan System
Bus Overvoltage Fault 2
Motor Overload Fault 3
Low Bus Voltage Fault 4
PWM Generator Fault 5
Logic Fault 6
Stalled Motor Fault 7
Fault Descriptions
Bus Overcurrent Fault: DC Bus Current exceeds the drive rated peak
Bus Overvoltage Fault: DC Bus Voltage exceeds 400 VDC on 200/230 VAC
input units or exceeds 800 VDC on 400/460 VAC input units.
Motor Overlad Fault: The drive operated in current limit (110 % of rated
current) for a period of 60 consecutive seconds. If the motor current reduces
to less than 110 % and the motor reaches commanded speed the overload
timer will begin to count down.
Low Bus Voltage Fault: DC Bus Voltage is less than 200 VDC on a 200/230
VAC input unit or is less than 400 VDC on a 400/460 VAC input unit. If the
motor is already running, this fault will not occur. Instead, the motor speed
will be reduced to a speed that the proper voltage can be applied to the
PWM Generator Fault: The drive failed to switch a PWM output properly.
Logic Fault: The Microcontroller in the drive executed an illegal instruction.
Stalled Motor Fault: Motor failed to accelerate to ½ the motor speed setpoint
in 30 seconds.
Automatic Restart: If the drive should fault, the drive will automatically
attempt one restart after a delay of 5 seconds. If the drive faults a second
time, the drive will not attempt to restart and the fault must be cleared before
the drive will run again.
Fault Clearing:
Drive Faults may be cleared by one of the following methods:
Removing and reapplying power to the controller.
Setting the speed control input duty cycle to less than 7% for 1 second.