Trane Integrated Comfort
System Controls
Remote PC Workstation
PC Workstation
PC Workstation
Control Unit
Control Unit
Variable Air Volume
Room temperature
Variable Air Volume
Room temperature
Exhaust Fan
Air-cooled Series R
Modular Climate Changer
Air Handler
Tracer Summit controls — Interface
With The Trane Integrated Comfort
System (ICS)
Trane Chiller Plant Control
The Tracer Summit Chiller Plant Building
Management System with Chiller Plant
Control provides building automation
and energy management functions
through stand-alone control. The Chiller
Plant Control is capable of monitoring
and controlling your entire chiller plant
Application software available:
• Time-of-day scheduling
• Demand limiting
• Chiller sequencing
• Process control language
• Boolean processing
• Zone control
• Reports and logs
• Custom messages
• Run time and maintenance
• Trend log
• PID control loops
And of course, the Trane Chiller Plant
Control can be used on a stand-alone
basis or tied into a complete building
automation system.
When the air-cooled Series R
chiller is
used in conjunction with a Trane Tracer
Summit system, the unit can be
monitored and controlled from a remote
location. The air-cooled Series R chiller
can be controlled to fit into the overall
building automation strategy by using
time of day scheduling, timed override,
demand limiting, and chiller sequencing.
A building owner can completely
monitor the air-cooled Series R chiller
from the Tracer system, since all of the
monitoring information indicated on the
unit controller’s microcomputer can be
read off the Tracer system display. In
addition, all the powerful diagnostic
information can be read back at the
Tracer system. Best of all, this powerful
capability comes over a single twisted
pair of wires! Air-cooled Series R chillers
can interface with many different
external control systems, from simple
stand-alone units to ice making systems.
Each unit requires a single-source, three-
phase power supply and a 115V/60Hz,
220V/50Hz power supply. The added
power supply powers the evaporator
A single twisted pair of wires tied directly
between the air-cooled Series R
and a Tracer
Summit system provides
control, monitoring and diagnostic
capabilities. Control functions include
auto/stop, adjustment of leaving water
temperature setpoint, compressor
operation lockout for kW demand
limiting and control of ice making mode.
The Tracer system reads monitoring
information such as entering and leaving
evaporator water temperatures and
outdoor air temperature. Over 60
individual diagnostic codes can be read
by the Tracer system. In addition, the
Tracer system can provide sequencing
control for up to 25 units on the same
chilled water loop. Pump sequencing
control can be provided from the Tracer
system. Tracer ICS is not available in
conjunction with the remote display or
the external setpoint capability.
Required Options
Tracer Interface
External Trane Devices Required
Tracer Summit
, Tracer 100 System or
Tracer Chiller Plant Control
Additional Features That May Be Used
Ice Making Control