MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units 17
Unit Operating Modes
operating in the heating mode, the unit will automatically keep the minimum
outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner will cycle off.
See Minimum Ventilation.
MRT-Pro Controls. To change the damper mode on an MRT-Pro control system
requires the use of a BACview or PC. See the section related to the MRT Expert
for instructions on how to use the BACview for programming.
MRT-Expert Control. To place the damper operation in Manual Mode scroll
through the menu tree, locate the Damper Mode branch and select Manual Pos.
Next, scroll through the menu tree, locate the Setpoints branch, select Man Vent
SP, and enter the desired damper position. The allowable range is 0% to 100%. If
the unit served by this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air before
the burner, and is operating in the heating mode, the unit will automatically keep
the minimum outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner
will cycle off. See Minimum Ventilation.
Mixed Air Temperature Mode
The Mixed Air Temperature mode varies the percentages of outside air and
return air to maintain a constant mixed air temperature. The AdaptAire controller
computes the mixed air temperature using the outside air and return air
temperatures and the ratio of their respective airflows.
MDT and MRT Controls. To place the damper operation in Mixed Air
Temperature Mode on an MDT or MRT control system be sure the appropriate
terminals in the unit control panel are shorted. See the Typical Wiring Schematic
and Multiplexed Input sections of this manual for more information. Rotate the
damper control knob on the remote panel to the desired mixed air temperature. If
the unit served by this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air before
the burner, and is operating in the heating mode, the unit will automatically keep
the minimum outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner
will cycle off. See Minimum Ventilation.
MRT-Pro Controls. To change the damper mode on an MRT-Pro control system
requires the use of a BACview or PC. See the section related to the MRT Expert
for instructions on how to use the BACview for programming.
MRT-Expert Control. To place the damper operation in Mixed Air Temperature
Mode scroll through the menu tree, locate the Damper Mode branch and select
MA Temp Ctrl. Next, scroll through the menu tree, locate the Setpoints branch,
select Mixed Air, and enter the desired temperature. The allowable range is 30°F -
80°F. If the unit served by this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air
before the burner, and is operating in the heating mode, the unit will
automatically keep the minimum outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops
below 20%, the burner will cycle off. See Minimum Ventilation.