Features and Benefi ts
Tracer TU Interface
The Tracer chiller controller adds a level of sophistication better served by a PC application to improve
service technician effectiveness and minimize chiller downtime. Tracer AdaptiView™ control is intended
to serve only typical daily tasks. The portable PC-based service-tool software, Tracer TU™,
supports service and maintenance tasks.
Tracer TU serves as a common interface to all Trane chillers, and will customize itself
based on the properties of the chiller with which it is communicating. Thus, the service technician
learns only one service interface.
The panel bus is easy to troubleshoot using LED sensor verifi cation. Only the defective device is
replaced. Tracer TU can communicate with individual devices or groups of devices.
All chiller status, machine confi guration settings, customizable limits, and up to 100 active or
historic diagnostics are displayed through the service-tool software interface.
LEDs and their respective Tracer TU indicators visually confi rm the availability of each connected
sensor, relay, and actuator.
Tracer TU is designed to run on a customer’s laptop, connected to the AdaptiView control panel
with a USB cable.
Hardware requirements for Tracer TU:
• 1 GB RAM
• 1024 x 768 resolution
• Ethernet 10/100 Lan card
• Windows® XP Pro or Vista
• Pentium IV or higher processor
• An available USB port (USB 2.0)