Digit 4 — Development Sequence
C = Third
Digit s 5,6,7 — Nominal Capacity
C20 = 20 Tons C40 = 40 Tons
C25 = 25 Tons C50 = 50 Tons
C30 = 30 Tons C60 = 60 Tons
Digit 8 — Power Supply
G = 200/230/60/3 XL
4 = 460/60/3 XL
5 = 575/60/3 XL
Digit 9 — Condenser Circuit
1 = Single (20-30 Ton)
2 = Dual (40-60 Ton)
Digit 10 — Design Sequence
* = Factory Assigned
Digit 1 — Unit Type
C = Condenser
Digit 2 — Condenser
A = Air-Cooled
Digit 3 — Airflow
U = Upflow
20 To 60 Ton Model Nomenclature
C A U C C20 4 1 * 0 3 H 0
1 2 3 4 5,6,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Digit 11 — Ambient Control
0 = Standard
1=0 F
Digit 12 — Agency Approval
0 = None
3 = UL/CSA
Digits 13, 14 — Miscellaneous
H = Copper Fins
1 = Spring Isolators
2 = Rubber Isolators
80 To 120 Ton Model Nomenclature
Digit 1 — Unit Type
C = Condenser
Digit 2 — Condenser
A = Air-Cooled
Digit 3 — Airflow
U = Upflow
Digit 4 — Development Sequence
C = Third
Digits 5,6,7 — Nominal Capacity
C80 = 80 Tons
D10 = 100 Tons
D12 = 120 Tons
Digit 8 — Power Supply
F = 230/60/3
4 = 460/60/3
5 = 575/60/3
E = 200/60/3
Digit 9 — Condenser Circuit
2 = Dual Circuit
Digit 10 — Design Sequence
A = First
Digit 11 — Ambient Control
0 = Standard
1 = 0 F
Digit 12 — Agency Approval
0 = None
2 = CSA
3 = UL/CSA
Digits 13, 14 — Miscellaneous
H = Copper Fins
1 = Spring Isolators
C A U C C80 4 2 A 0 3 H 0
1 2 3 4 5,6,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. The service digit for each model number contains 14 digits; all 14 digits must be referenced.