Data Normalization
Tracer SC point name: Occupancy Request
BACnet point name, type, and instance: Occupancy Command (MV 18)
Table 24. Tracer SC writing to the fan coil (Occupancy Request)
Tracer SC Point name: Heat Cool Mode Request
BACnet point name, type and instance: System Mode (MV 16)
Table 26. Tracer SC writing to the fan coil (Heat Cool Mode Request)
Tracer SC state and text Fan coil state and text
1 - Occupied 2 - Occupied
2 - Unoccupied 3 - Unoccupied
3 - Occupied Bypass 2 - Occupied
4 - Occupied Standby 2 - Occupied
5 - Auto 1 - Local Occupancy
Table 25. Reading from fan coil to Tracer SC (Occupancy Request)
Fan coil state and text Tracer SC state and text
1 - Local Occupancy 5 - Auto
2 - Occupied 1 - Occupied
3 - Unoccupied 2 - Unoccupied
Tracer SC state and text Fan coil state and text
1 - Auto 2 - Auto
2 - Heat 4 - Heat
3 - Morning Warm-up 4 - Heat
4 - Cool 3 - Cool
5 - Night Purge 3 - Cool
6 - Pre Cool 3 - Cool
7 - Off 1 - Off
8 - Test 2 - Auto
9 - Emergency Heat 4 - Heat
10 - Fan Only 2 - Auto
11 - Free Cool 3 - Cool
12 - Ice-Making 3 - Cool
13 - Max Heat 4 - Heat
14 - Economizer 3 - Cool
15 - Dehumidify 3 - Cool
16 - Calibrate 2 - Auto
Table 27. Reading from fan coil to Tracer SC (Heat Cool Mode Request)
Fan coil state and text Tracer SC state and text
1 - Off 7 - Off
2 - Auto 1 - Auto
3 - Cool 4 - Cool
4 - Heat 2 - Heat