Unit Nameplate
The unit nameplate is located in the
left hand end pocket, behind the con-
trol box. It includes the unit model
number, serial number, electrical char-
acteristics, and other pertinent unit da-
Factory Shipment
Before shipment, each unit is leak test-
ed, and run tested for proper control
A three panel front access of the unit
ventilator allows for speedy set-up
during field commissioning. This de-
sign allows for the end pocket of the
unit ventilator to be open while the fan
(airside) section stays closed.
End Pockets
Access for piping and controls is made
through the unit ventilator’s end pock-
Coil Connections
The coil headers and drain connec-
tions are made within the unit chassis
to allow a tight seal and help prevent
air leakage around the coil. The con-
nection sizes vary dependent upon
type of coil combination specified.
Unit Drain Pan
The drain pan is dual-sloped for effec-
tive condensate removal. It is made
from a non-corrosive material to help
eliminate issues associated to leaking
or standing water. It may be easily re
moved for cleaning. The drain pan
connection size for all Trane VUVE
models is 7/8" O.D.
Motors for the VUVE model do not in-
clude an external fan bearing on the
end of the fan shaft. This helps avoid
issues related to fan bearing mainte
Coil Type Size (in.)
Hydronic Cooling (Main) Coil or
Heating/Cooling Changeover Coil
3/4" Nominal
7/8" I.D.
Heating (Auxiliary) Coil
1/2" Nominal
5/8" I.D.
Steam Heating Coil 1" FNPT
Direct Expansion Coil
3/8" O.D. Liquid
7/8" O.D. Suction
nance (oiling is not needed), and/or
bearing replacement.
Filter sizing for the unit ventilator are
an off-the-shelf design to reduce or
help eliminate local stocking of the fil-
Sliding Fan Deck
Convenient access to the fan motor
and wheels for maintenance and ser
viceability may be made through
Trane’s easy-slide fan deck design.
Outside/Return-Air Dampers
The outside-air/return-air damper is a
one piece, linkage free design result-
ing in a superior air-tight seal.
Field Installed Controls
The unit comes equipped with a fan
speed switch, damper blade (only),
and an optional low temperature de-
End Device Control Package
Units containing the End Device con-
trol design will incorporate a pre-
wired, selected control components to
a terminal strip for wiring a field pro
vided controller and temperature sen-
Note: for controller operation malfunc-
tion of any non-Trane, field installed
controls, consult the literature or tech-
nical support of the controls manufac-
Tracer™ ZN520 Control Package
The ZN520 electronic digital controller
is a factory installed, tested and com-
missioned LonTalk™ certified design.
It may be used in a stand-alone control
scheme, or as part of a building auto
mation system. The controller is pre-
wired to Trane selected control com
ponents best suited for room comfort.
For more information on the ZN520
unit controller operation and service
issues, refer to CNT-SVX04A-EN
(ZN520 control manual).