
TL-SL3428/TL-SL3452 JetStream L2 Managed Switch CLI Guide
Chapter 16 MAC Address Commands
MAC address configuration can improve the network security by configuring the Port Security and
maintaining the address information by managing the address Table.
mac address-table static
The mac address-table static command is used to add the static MAC address
entry. To remove the corresponding entry, please use no mac address-table
static command. The static address can be added or removed manually,
independent of the aging time. In the stable networks, the static MAC address
entries can facilitate the switch to reduce broadcast packets and enhance the
efficiency of packets forwarding remarkably.
mac address-table static mac-addr vid vid interface { fastEthernet port |
gigabitEthernet port }
no mac address-table static { mac-addr | vid vid | mac mac-addr vid vid |
interface { fastEthernet port | gigabitEthernet port } }
mac-addr —— The MAC address of the entry you desire to add.
vid —— The VLAN ID number of your desired entry. It ranges from 1 to 4094.
The Fast/Gigabit Ethernet port number.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Add a static Mac address entry to bind the MAC address 00:02:58:4f:6c:23,
VLAN1 and Fast Ethernet port 1 together:
TL-SL3428(config)#mac address-table static 00:02:58:4f:6c:23 vid 1
interface fastEthernet 1/0/1
Delete the static address entry whose VLAN id is 1:
TL-SL3428(config)#no mac address-table static vid 1