
TL-R480T+ Load Balance Broadband Router User Guide
¾ Mirrored Ports List - The option used to select ports to be mirrored.
4.12.3 Port Rate Control
Choose menu “Switch SettingsPort Rate Control”, you can control the ingress and egress
rate for the LAN port in the next screen (shown in Figure 4-64).
Figure 4-64
¾ Port - Here shows the Router's LAN ports.
¾ Ingress Mode - This option is used to select the limited modes for Ports' import rate.
y All Frames - This means that all import frames will be limited.
y Broadcast and Multicast - This means that broadcast and multicast frames will be limited.
y Broadcast - This means that all broadcast frames will be limited.
y No Limit - This means no limit.
¾ Ingress Limit Rate - This option is used to select the particular import rate.
¾ Egress Mode - This option is used to limit the export rate or not.
¾ Egress Limit Rate - This option is used to select the particular export rate (control all
4.12.4 Port Parameter
Choose menu “Switch SettingsPort Parameter”, you can configure the parameters for the
LAN port in the next screen (shown in Figure 4-65).