
The PTZ Setup Window allows enabling of PTZ cameras, creation of Presets, creation of Tours, and adjustment of camera speed
settings. Many options listed here are features only available on selected cameras. Refer to the PTZ chapter in this manual for further
information on setting up PTZ cameras and setting PTZ options.
The Site Information Window allows users to define the site code necessary for connecting to remote software, save comments
relative to the XVR and store tech support and contact number information.
1 Drive Information Displays the Total Space and Free Space of the Drives installed in the XVR.
2 Site Version Displays the XVR Software version.
3 Contact Number Displays a user specified Contact Phone Number.
4 Tech Support Displays the Tech Support Phone Number.
5 Site Information Displays misc. information about the XVR.
6 Site Code A user-specified unique identification name that is used by other XVR software to connect
to the XVR. (Remote, Emergency Agent, SCS)
7 Notes Enter comments relative to the description of this XVR.