1-16 User’s Manual
Ulead DVD
MovieFactory for
Ulead DVD MovieFactory for TOSHIBA allows
users to instantly create DVD video or slideshow
discs via a user-friendly wizard interface with
specific task oriented features.
Memory Boot Utility
The TOSHIBA SD memory boot utility allows you
to create a bootable SD memory card to start the
system. You can access TOSHIBA SD Memory
Boot Utility from the menu bar as follows. Click
Start -> All Programs -> TOSHIBA -> Utilities
-> SD Memory Boot Utility.
SD Memory Card Format Utility and other SD functions are packaged into
TOSHIBA SD Memory Utilities. When uninstalling the SD utilities, click
Start -> Control Panel -> Uninstall a program -> TOSHIBA SD Memory
Memory Card Format
This utility allows you to format an SD memory
card by the SD standard format.
Windows Mobility
This section describes the Windows Mobility
Center. Mobility Center is a utility for accessing
several mobile PC settings quickly in one
window. A default maximum of eight tiles are
provided by the operating system, and an
additional two tiles are added to your Mobility
■ Lock Computer:
This can be used to lock your computer
without turning it off. This has the same
function as the Lock button at the bottom of
the right pane in the start menu.
■ TOSHIBA Assist:
This can be used to open TOSHIBA Assist if
it is already installed in your computer.