Projecting images stored in a memory PC card or USB memory (Continued)
• [Interval]
You can set the display interval of time (in seconds or minutes) for slide shows to be
played automatically.
• [Display effect]
When playing a slide show, the projector can give various display effects or transitions
to each slide being displayed.
The transitions available are listed below:
• None
Display each slide normally.
• Wipe
Display the next slide gradually upward (Wipe ↑), downward (Wipe ↓), to the left
(Wipe ←), or to the right (Wipe →), over the current slide.
• Dissolve
Display the next slide gradually in a certain fixed block pattern over the current slide.
• Cover
Display the next slide as sliding upward (Cover ↑), downward (Cover ↓), to the left
(Cover ←), or to the right (Cover →), over the current slide.
• Checker
Display the next slide gradually from the left using checkered blocks over the current
• Zoom/Rotate zoom
Display the next slide by enlarging it gradually, either straight from the center (Zoom)
or while turning it starting from the center (Spin zoom), over the current slide.
• Belt wipe
Display the next slide gradually in stripes from both sides, over the current slide.
• Blind
Display the next slide, as if it opened like a window blind, over the current slide.
• [Play icon]
The slideshow icon can be displayed.
• Standard
The projector handles the slideshow icon as follows depending on the “On/Off”
setting of Icon on the projector’s menu.
Icon On: The projector displays the icon upon the start of playing a slide show and
turns it off after a few seconds.
Icon Off: The projector does not display the icon.
• Continuous
The projector keeps the icon displayed during the slide show.
• [Thumbnail preview]
Select the form of thumbnail preview.
All: Displays a thumbnail preview of JPEG files, and if any JPEG files exist in the
folder displays the leading thumbnail image.
File: Displays only a thumbnail image of JPEG files. The thumbnail image of the JPEG
files in the folder is not displayed.
Off: Displays a dummy icon without displaying thumbnail preview.
• [Unplug device]
Run when unplugging a USB memory, a USB memory card reader or a digital camera
and the like.
■ Setting slideshow options
Slideshow is the function to display the JPEG image files stored in a memory PC card
or a USB memory one after another at fixed time intervals. When switching from one
image to the next, Slideshow can add various display effects (transitions) to them. If you
select Slideshow, the following items can be set.
Auto. demo
Play icon
Unplug device
On Off (Select whether to automatically start a slide show
when a PC card in plugged.)
Select the slide show display interval.
or : Begin a slide show. Use the buttons to select.
5 sec./10 sec./30 sec./1 min./3 min./5 min./10 min.
Select the slide show display effect.
or : Begin a slide show. Use the buttons to select.
None / Wipe / Wipe / Wipe / Wipe / Dissolve / Cover /
Cover / Cover / Cover / Checker / Zoom / Rotate zoom /
Belt wipe / Blind
Standard Continuous
Switch the form of thumbnail preview.
All File Off
Run when unplugging a USB device.
Confirm: Yes No
● Details on individual items
• [Auto. demo]
On:A slide show begins automatically when a memory PC card is inserted and input
switches to Wireless/Card. At this time, the JPEG files in the root directory of the
memory PC card are used in the slide show. If the input has already been switched
to Wireless/Card, the slide show begins automatically when the memory PC card
is inserted.
The Auto Demo function is also available with a USB device.
•To pause the slide show, press the
button. Pressing this button again allows
the slide show to begin. To stop the slide show, press the RETURN button.
Off:A list of thumbnails will be displayed when connecting with a memory PC card, a
USB device or the like. Select a desired JPEG file from the list.
• The Auto Demo function does not work when using a USB memory card reader to mount
multiple media.