The Grand Tour
Electronic Telephone Diagram
6 Strata DK Electronic Telephone 5/00
Table 2 Directory Button Definitions
Button Definitions
Primary Directory Number
➤ Press to answer a call to the Primary Directory Number or to
initiate a phone call.
The [PDN] is specifically your Extension Number or Intercom
Number. Your telephone can have up to four [PDN] buttons with
your number. You can set Call Forward and Voice Mail ID code for
your [PDN].
Secondary Directory
➤ Press to answer a call on a [PDN] of another telephone which
appears on your telephone as a [SDN].
You cannot set Call Forward and Voice Mail ID code for [SDNs] on
your telephone.
Phantom Directory Number
➤ Press to answer a call to the [PhDN].
Up to 8 [PhDNs] can be assigned to one station. A [PhDN] can be
assigned exclusively to a station or shared among a group of
stations. An example of a [PhDN] application is using the [PhDN] as
a common phone number for an entire department, such as a Sales
Department. The [PhDN] rings on all of the telephones of the group
when it is called.
You can only set Call Forward and Voice Mail ID code for [PhDNs]
that are owned by your telephone. You can have a separate
message waiting button and mailbox for each up to four [PhDNs] on
your telephone.