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Louver control:
Compact 4-way
type only
Outline of specifications
1) Louver position setup
• When the louver position is changed, the position moves
necessarily to downward discharge position once to return to
the set position.
The louver position can be set up in the following operation range.
In cooling/dry operation In heating/fan operation
• In group twin/triple operation, the louver positions can be set
up collectively or individually.
2) Swing setup
• [SWING] is displayed and the following display is repeated.
In all operations
• In group twin operation, the louver positions can be set up
collectively or individually.
3) When the unit stopped or the warning was output, the louver is
automatically set to full closed position.
4) When PRE-HEAT
(Heating ready) is displayed
(Heating operation started or defrost operation is performed),
heating thermo is off or self-cleaning is performed, the louver is
automatically set to horizontal discharge position.
∗ The louver which air direction is individually set or the locked
louver closes fully when the unit stops and the louver is
automatically set to horizontal discharge position when
(Heating ready) is displayed, heating thermo is
off or self-cleaning is performed.
The swinging
louver moves
usually up to the
ceiling side from
the louver position
of the set time.