Learning the Basics
Starting a program
5 In the left part of the window, click the line that ends in “Local
Disk (C:).”
6 In the left part of the window, under the Local Disk C: icon,
double-click the folder containing the program, in this case
Program Files.
Explorer shows the contents of the Program Files
folder on the right side of the window. The left side of the
window shows all the folders contained within the Program
Files folder.
7 In the left part of the window, double-click Windows NT.
8 In the left part of the window, double-click Accessories.
Explorer shows the contents of the Accessories
folder on the right side of the window.
9 In the right part of the window, double-click wordpad.
The operating system opens WordPad.
To close the program, click the Close button in the upper-right
corner of the program’s window.
Starting a program using the Start Search field
This example uses the Start menu’s Start Search field to start
1 Click Start to display the Start menu.
The Start Search field appears at the bottom of the Start menu.
(Sample Image) Start Search field in Start menu
2 Start typing the program’s name (
wordpad) in the Start Search
As you type, all matching files and programs are displayed in
the Start menu.
3 Click WordPad under Programs at the top left of the Start